Pipe lining is a common sewer repair procedure that the Beehive Plumbing team conducts on a regular basis, so here’s what you need to know!

Pipe lining is a sewer line repair process that helps our team repair/replace leaking, cracked, clogged or severely damaged sewer lines for both residential and commercial properties. This process is considered trenchless because it requires no digging within yards or destroying sidewalks like what was necessary not too long ago, and there’s no denying that pipe lining truly is a technological revolution for the entire plumbing industry!
This is why each and every one of the Master Plumbers at Beehive Plumbing are experts within pipe lining, and our team works together to make sure that every step of the pipe lining process goes smoothly. Pipe lining involves many different technologies that we’ll discuss in detail below, but the general concept is to insert a new portion of pipe within your existing pipes that’s saturated with epoxy and then cure the new pipe via LED technology or hot air.
Pipe lining always goes a very long way when it comes to reducing the overall costs and hassles of repairing cracked or broken pipes, because it ends up establishing a new seal within your existing pipes in a non-invasive way. A pipe lining procedure by the Beehive Plumbing team can last up to multiple decades, but of course we understand how you may have several questions about these intricate plumbing repairs.
So keep reading below to get a better understanding of the fundamentals of pipe lining!
The Pipe Lining Process (Step-By-Step)
Most home and business owners are curious about how exactly pipe lining works, and this is understandable considering how intricate this process is! Pipe lining primarily will help both residential and commercial property owners when it comes to repairing/replacing older types of pipes, including:
- Concrete
- Cast iron
- Clay
- Plastic
- Or PVC pipes
Every pipe lining job will also require abiding by strict guidelines pertaining to the following steps:
- Utilizing A Pipe Inspection Camera: Our state-of-the-art plumbing camera technology allows our specialists to get a tangible confirmation as to what exactly is happening within your sewer line, and this helps us better understand where exactly our team will focus our attention in terms of compromised portions of pipes, cracks and other types of damages.
- Properly Cleaning Your Existing Pipes: It’s always important for us to thoroughly clean out your existing pipes prior to conducting any substantial repairs, and this helps us remove any blockages and other types of debris. Sometimes this cleaning process will necessitate hydro jetting.
- Taking Measurements Of Your Existing Pipes: Every measurement must be precise when it comes to pipe lining repairs, so our team will always take the necessary time to make sure that everything is 100% correct.
- Tube Replacement Preparations: Once we have all the necessary measurements ready to go, we’ll prepare the correct type of tube replacement that we’ll later insert into your existing pipes. This replacement pipe tubing will be comprised of fiberglass, polyester or other types of similar materials.
- Epoxy Saturation And Tubing Inversion: Your newly prepared replacement pipe tubing will then be completely saturated with a strong epoxy to ensure the repair’s overall success and longevity. The replacement pipe tubing is then flipped inside-out or inverted to make sure that the epoxy is firmly connected to the outside of the pipe tubing so it can properly attach itself to your existing pipes.
- Tubing Insertion To Repair Damaged Pipes: This is the step within the pipe lining process in which your existing pipes are thoroughly patched up with the replacement pipe tubing by ensuring that everything is in its proper place.
- Tubing Curing: Curing is what makes sure that your new seal is comprehensive and thorough, and the Beehive Plumbing team will always utilize the latest curing technologies like Bluelight LED or steam curing.
- Restoring The Sewer Flow To Your Newly Repaired Pipes: This is the last step of the pipe lining process in which we’ll reintroduce your pipes to regular functionality.
Common Benefits Of Pipe Lining
There are many different benefits for residential and commercial property owners when it comes to utilizing the pipe lining process for damaged pipes, but some of the most common benefits include the following:
- Pipe lining helps property owners in terms of avoiding sometimes rather costly excavation costs that were necessary in the recent past, and beyond repair costs this helps save sidewalks, front yards and trees.
- Pipe lining also helps when it comes to sparing your underground facilities from many other damage risks.
- Pipe lining helps reduce the overall risks of erosion within your piping system, and can specifically target tree root infiltration.
- In the past property owners sometimes had to repave their driveways and sidewalks after excavations, but this is no longer necessary with pipe lining!
- Improving the overall flow and functionality is of course a common benefit associated with pipe lining that goes beyond the conveniences associated with this modern methodology.
- Saving a ton of money is also something that many property owners love about pipe lining!
Reach Out To The Beehive Plumbing Team To Learn More About How We Can Help Your Property’s Piping Problems Via Pipe Lining!
Pipe lining is undoubtedly a very cutting-edge technology within the plumbing industry that many property owners aren’t aware of, and our team is always here to answer any questions you have about how this process will work within your property’s unique architectural parameters.
Explore our plumbing repair guide to learn more about repairs then reach out to us online or call us at 801-661-8155 to get in touch with our plumbing experts who can help you better know what to expect when your home or business needs a pipe lining repair!