Residential plumbing leaks can be tough to spot, so here are some proactive tips from our Master Plumbers to keep your home safe of water damages!

There’s no doubt about it that water leaks and damages can be incredibly devastating to households all throughout Northern Utah, and a lot of people forget that troubling residential plumbing leaks can occur both outside and inside.
When your homes goes through interior leaks, it can lead to ruined furniture, dangerous mold development and serious structural damages. Outside leaks can destroy your property’s foundation, kill your plants and cost you a ton in your monthly utility bills.
So knowing just how detrimental water leaks can be, it’s natural that you may be wondering how you can go about spotting a leak. Below our Master Plumbers are providing a few tips to help you recognize when you are in fact experiencing a leak within your residential plumbing system!
1. Remain Cognizant Of Your Water Bill Amounts
Although it’s completely normal for your water bill amounts to slightly fluctuate due to the natural changes in usage from season to season, the general rule in Northern Utah is that homes use more water in the summer than they do in the winter. That’s why this time of year is a good time to recognize when you may or may not have a water leak.
Recognizing the warning signs of a water leak via your water bill requires you to closely examine your bill amounts on a monthly and yearly basis. If you’ve lived in your home for several years, then you’ll have a pretty good understanding in terms of how much water you should be using during each season.
When your bill is noticeably higher than it was in previous weeks, as well as in years past, then it’s a red flag that you may be experiencing a water leak that’s the root cause of your random bill increase!
2. Keep An Eye On Your Exterior Water Fixtures
A lot of homeowners in Northern Utah will winterize their exterior water fixtures and landscaping fixtures in the fall and then forget about them completely until spring, and this ends up creating the perfect opportunity for a water leak to slip underneath your radar.
Exterior leaks occur just as frequently as indoor leaks, and these types of leaks can end up creating serious issues when exposed to harsh winter or summer elements. This is why you should always closely inspect your hose fittings and spigots for leaking and any type of dripping. You should also look at your home’s exterior, because one common example of water leak detection is seeing dark patches on a stucco home. Damp ground areas are also concerning, particularly if you’re not sure what caused the wet spot!
3. Use Your Senses To Recognize Water Leak Clues
Human intuition and senses just so happen to be incredibly useful when trying to boost your overall chances of recognizing a water leak. It’s important to remember that water leaking from your plumbing system isn’t to be taken lightly, because it will always result in serious damages. These types of damages can many times be spotted by making the most of your senses.
Touching underneath cabinets and up against walls on a consistent basis will help you realize when there are humid or damp patches. Look closely for cracks in your walls, warps in your flooring or rust development on your appliances. Sniffing out odd smells can help you find sodden insulation or standing water.
In general, if something seems off then it likely is. In these scenarios it’s always best to reach out to the best plumbers in Salt Lake City in the Beehive Plumbing team!
4. Your Common Sense Will Help You A LOT!
If your home is getting older, you’re noticing signs of corrosion on your appliances or water heater, or your smelling foul odors on a regular basis, then it’s an indication that there’s a water leak somewhere within your residential plumbing system.
Your intuition and common sense is going to help you out tremendously when it comes to realizing when something seems wrong, so don’t ignore these types of gut feelings. If mold is developing in a weird spot, don’t simply clean it off and ignore it later in hopes that it won’t return. If your home is old, then you’ll need to keep in mind that your pipes are prone to wearing down eventually.
Using your common sense can be extremely supportive when it comes to spotting a leak within your plumbing system before the damages become severe!
Contact Beehive Plumbing To Learn More About Our Residential Plumbing Services!
Beehive Plumbing is a residential plumbing leader throughout Northern Utah that has supported many households with water leak detection and repairs. We understand how difficult these types of plumbing problems can be, and our plumbing specialists will be there for you and your family as we get to the bottom of your leak.
Contact us online or call us at 801-661-8155 to get in touch with our team today and learn more about our leak detection and other residential plumbing services!