Emergency plumbing can be expensive, so keeping up with these preventative measures can always go a long way to help you save!

Emergency plumbing all throughout Utah can end up being incredibly effective when certain last-minute or late night plumbing problems seemingly arise out of nowhere. If you come across any kind of emergency plumbing situation in the late hours of the night or early in the morning, then it’s going to be necessary to contact our emergency plumbing services that can help you at any time.
We’ve always taken our emergency plumbing efforts very seriously at Beehive Plumbing, because we know that you’re going to need us ASAP when it comes to serious plumbing emergencies! Our team is renowned throughout the entire state for our emergency services, and this is partly because of how efficient and cost-effective our services are as compared to the rest of the local industry.
But we’re not only here to help you with professional plumbing services, because we also want to ensure that our clients have the proper advice in terms of preventing these types of household disasters before things get out of hand. We know how important it is to look out for certain warning signs of necessary plumbing maintenance work that can ultimately help prevent emergencies, so this page is dedicated to a few key pointers on how you can better maintain your plumbing system and prevent catastrophes from arising within your home or office!
Consider The Following Finance-Saving Tips To Help Prevent Emergency Plumbing!
There are of course many different ways that you can help you and your household or office building save money on plumbing services, but the following helpful advice tips are a good starting point:
Check For Leaks
It’s always going to be important for home and business owners to conduct thorough checkups on all of their plumbing fixtures, especially when it comes to looking out for any potential cracks or leaks that could be creating issues. These types of checkups should be conducted at least once per year, and here in Utah the summer and fall months are a great time to do these inspections so you’re better prepared for the rather cold winter months!
It’s always pretty unfortunate that a lot of home and business owners tend to let certain persistent leaks continue for long periods of time before giving us a call, because this ends up ultimately costing them a lot more in monthly water bills and can even lead to more serious issues within the foundations of your plumbing system.
This is why it’s always very important to get all of your leaks properly fixed before they make matters much worse!
Turn The Temperature On Your Water Heater Down
Here in Utah it’s not unlikely for homeowners to want to set their water heaters a little extra high in terms of temperature to make up for the very cold winter months, but this can sometimes lead to really serious plumbing issues. It’s always important to remember that you should never put your water heater’s temperature above 120 degrees Fahrenheit, as this is the general maximum throughout the plumbing industry.
When you make sure your water heater’s temperature is set appropriately, you can better ensure that you’re not using up an excess amount of energy to keep your water warm on a daily basis, and you can prevent countless other issues that could potentially arise throughout your pipes and really your home or business’ entire plumbing system!
Take Water Heater Replacements Into Consideration
There are many instances in which home and business owners need to simply think about replacing their old water heater for a newer model, and this is especially the case if your property is pretty old and has had the same water heater for upwards of 15 or more years. Replacing your water heater will undoubtedly result in many benefits to your entire plumbing system, and it will also help you in terms of saving money on your monthly energy costs.
Although replacing your water heater may seem like a somewhat expensive upfront cost, it can end up saving you a ton of money in the long run if your old water heater needs consistent repairs.
Check Your Hose Bibs and Faucets
There’s no doubt about it that frozen pipes are a serious and rather common plumbing emergency that occurs throughout Northern Utah, and these types of emergency repairs are also typically pretty pricey. You may even be required to take up a temporary residence while this type of plumbing project is ongoing!
In order to effectively prevent your pipes from freezing, you’re going to need to consistently be checking up on your hose bibs and faucets in order to recognize if they’re leaking. This is a common warning signs of frozen pipes because these will be the first parts of your plumbing system that will freeze if you leave them undetected.
So the more efficiently and frequently you act in terms of avoiding any type of frozen pipes, the more prepared you’ll be for a cost-effective winter!
Reach Out To The Beehive Plumbing Team For More Information About Our Emergency Plumbing Services
Any type of emergency plumbing job is always going to be really stressful for our clients, which is why Beehive Plumbing’s experienced specialists will be prepared to come to your property as quickly as possible and address your specific issues as efficiently as we can!
Always feel free to contact us online or call us at 801-661-8155 today for more information in terms of how our emergency plumbing services can be better prevented by taking the necessary precautions throughout your property!