
How to Unclog a Sink without Harmful Chemicals

Suffering from a clogged sink? Waking up to a clogged sink is a terrible way to start your day. Your first thought might be to head out to the store and purchase a bundle of harsh chemicals to flush down the drain.

Stop right there! You don’t need harmful chemicals to unclog your sink. It’s possible to unclog sinks using natural alternatives. The best thing about using natural alternatives is that most of these items can be found in your home’s cabinets.

Are you ready to skip the cleaning aisle and head to your bathroom and kitchen cabinets for items to keep your pipes free and clear? Be sure to keep reading as we provide a list of several alternatives for doing just that!

Baking Soda and Vinegar Solution

A baking soda and vinegar solution is a great way to unclog that backed up sink of yours. To create this solution, you’ll need 1/3 a cup of vinegar and 1/3 a cup of baking soda. Mix the two together in a measuring cup and watch as it instantly fizzes up.

Once this happens, pour it into the clogged sink wasting no time in between. All of that fizzing that you see is going to help rid your sink’s pipes of any built-up hair, grime, and other gunk. You’ll want to let this sit for at least one hour, but letting it sit overnight is best.

When you’re ready to flush it out, use hot water to do so. Another way to unclog your sink using this solution is to first pour the baking soda down the drain. Once you get all of the baking soda in the drain, pour the vinegar on top of it.

Boiling Water

Boiling water is one of the easier ways to unclog your sink. Boil as much water as you can using the stove, kettle, or microwave. Once it’s boiled, you can then begin to pour it down the sink’s drain.

However, you don’t want to pour the entire pot down the drain all at once. Pour it down in sections, giving the water a couple of seconds in between each pour. You might end up not even needing to use the entire pot of boiling water before you notice the drain clearing up.

Wet/Dry Vacuum

Another item that you might have around your house that’s a great tool in unclogging drains is a wet/dry vacuum. Before doing so, be sure that you set the vacuum to its wet setting for vacuuming liquids. Remember to cover the vent on the vacuum so that there’s a minimal mess.

After you’ve done so, create a tight seal around the drain. One good idea is to use an old plunger top and then begin to vacuum the drain. Place the vacuum on the highest setting allowed to ensure it works its hardest to get the drain unclogged.

These vacuums are powerful and it many cases, it should be able to suck out whatever is causing the drain to be clogged.

Cleaning Out the Pipe

Don’t pass up on the idea to simply clean out the pipe itself. Although this task might seem daunting, it’s fairly simple. Take a bucket and place it under the trap of the sink (this is the “U” shaped part of the pipe).

Then, use a plumber’s wrench to remove the slip nuts from the pipe. Once you’ve done this, remove the trap from the pipe. The bucket will catch any water or gunk stuck inside the pipes.

Take the trap section that you’ve removed and turn it upside down over the bucket as well. This should empty out any clogged gunk inside of it. Now, take an old toothbrush or another thin tool to clean out the pipe manually.

This ensures that you clean out anything that might be stuck inside of it. Do this with both the trap section of the pipe and the pipes connected to it.

Snake or Plunger

If you’re a homeowner, then it’s a given that you own a plunger. You might not have a drain snake lying around your home, but if you don’t they’re inexpensive and can be purchased from just about anywhere. When using the snake, place the thin metal tool down the drain and move it around a bit before pulling it out and all the clogged material with it.

If you want to use a plunger to unclog the drain, then consider using one made for unclogging sinks. If you don’t mind using the same one that you use for your toilet, then grab the plunger and unclog your sink just like you would your toilet.

Hydrogen Peroxide

If you open your bathroom cabinets, you’ll most likely find a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Take one cup of hydrogen peroxide and mix it together with a tablespoon of baking soda. Once you’ve mixed this solution together, take it and pour it down the drain until it foams.

Although this solution is made from natural ingredients, be sure to still wear gloves and protect your eyes.

Unclog Sinks Using These Methods!

If you’re met with a clogged sink at any time of the day, be sure to use these methods to unclog sinks! You’ll save yourself some money and save yourself from coming into contact with harsh and harmful chemicals. And when it’s time to reach out to the professionals, be sure to give us a call!

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