
Can A Crack In A Fiberglass Tub Be Repaired?

Beehive Plumbing specializes in tub and shower repairs, and we’ll be there for you when you see cracks in your tub’s fiberglass!

Plumbing Installations and tub and shower repairs - Beehive Plumbing Salt Lake City Utah

All of our Master Plumbers have supported countless northern Utah homes with tub and shower repairs, and one of the most common tub repairs is cracked fiberglass.

The good news is that cracks in a tub’s fiberglass can be repaired, and below we’ll be going into detail about the many steps it takes to fix fiberglass cracks!

Steps To Repair A Tub With A Fiberglass Crack

It’s firstly important to note that this type of tub repair isn’t typically a DIY project. You’re likely going to need professional support with this type of bathtub repair, because any mishaps or errors can lead to even worse issues. But if you want to tackle a fiberglass crack on your own, the following sections will be a good guide.

Below are the steps to fix a bathtub suffering from a crack in its fiberglass:

Thoroughly clean the tub’s surface, and then let it dry

The very first step is to thoroughly clean the area of the bathtub that has a crack, and this will typically require a sponge, household cleaning sprays, and rubbing alcohol wipes. It’s crucial to get all of the dirt, debris and mold away from the fiberglass crack and the surrounding surfaces.

Once the crack has been properly cleaned, it’ll be necessary to use paper towels or other cloths to dry the area.

Sanding down the bathtub surface around the fiberglass crack

Once the crack area has been cleaned and dried, it’ll be time to use sandpaper or an emery cloth to slightly roughen up the crack’s surface. This is an important step because creating a rough texture will help the subsequent chemicals and adhesives to bond together better.

Once you’ve finished sanding, you’ll want to remove any excess dirt from the tub with a brush or cloth.

Applying a fiberglass resin adhesive

These types of resin adhesives will usually come with an instruction manual, and it’s important to keep proper proportions in mind to ensure that you’re mixing the necessary amount of adhesive to address your specific fiberglass crack. But a good rule of thumb to follow is to mix at least a little bit more contents than is required, and you should always let your adhesive settle for at least five minutes.

You’ll then evenly apply the adhesive mixture using a brush, and this will include an adhesive coating that stretches at least one inch beyond the fiberglass crack. It’s also crucial to ensure that the resin adhesive makes its way into the crack’s hole as much as possible.

Sanding down the resin adhesive

The resin adhesive will require about two hours of drying, and afterwards you’ll need to sand down the adhesive using sandpaper. This is necessary because it eliminates any unnecessary adhesive from your tub.

Applying fiberglass filler to the bathtub crack

Fiberglass filler putty will then be needed to properly fill in the crack, and these products usually come with instructions to follow. You’ll then use a putty knife to apply the fiberglass filler, and you’ll want to make sure that you’re properly filling the fiberglass crack with the product’s chemical.

Allow this filler to dry for at least fifteen minutes.

Sanding down the tub’s surface again

Once the fiberglass filler has dried, you’ll then need to sand down your tub again using sandpaper or an emery cloth. The trick here is to make sure that the crack is completely even with the rest of the tub’s surface, but you won’t want to overdo this type of sanding, either.

Too much sanding can ruin all the previous steps of work, which is why you’ll need to find the perfect evenness to finish with.

Applying an epoxy coating mixture 

You’ll then need to apply an epoxy coating mixture to the fiberglass crack. Be sure this mixture extends at least two inches beyond the edge of the crack, and also be sure that your coating is even.

Place fiberglass cloth over the tub crack

You’ll then need to cut out a specific portion of fiberglass cloth to fit the crack’s surface area, and this covering needs to overlap the crack’s edges by at least an inch. Be sure to cover up the cloth patch and press very firmly while the epoxy coating is still wet.

The next step is to squeeze out any trapped air from underneath the fiberglass cloth with the help of a putty knife.

Add another layer of epoxy coating

You’ll then add an additional layer of epoxy coating on top of the fiberglass cloth. This coating needs to be spread evenly, and it’ll need to properly dry before the final step.

Applying the finishing sealer

The last step is to apply a sealer on top of the fiberglass crack. This will effectively waterproof the repaired area and protect it for the long-term future.

DIY Tub And Shower Repairs Are Tough, But Our Master Plumber Are Here To Help!

Beehive Plumbing offers some of the best residential plumbing services in all of northern Utah, and our esteemed Master Plumbers are here for your home’s tub and shower repair needs.

Reach out to us online or call us at 801-661-8155 to speak with our specialists today about the type of fiberglass crack your bathtub is experiencing!

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