
Common Sewer Line Problems

Can’t flush the toilet? Do you see tree roots coming up when you try or does the water overflow out of your toilet?

If so, you might have issues with the main sewer line. It’s not something that you should deal with if you don’t have the technical know-how. That’s why in this guide, you’ll learn some of the problems that you might encounter with your sewage system.

If you’re ready, read on and find out more.

1. The Smell of Sewage Inside the House

In most cases, smelling sewage often leads you to assume that it’s a start of sewer lines clogging. This isn’t the case since it’s a problem on its own. The good news is that it’s an issue that you can fix without the help of a plumber.

The main reasons for the sewage smell can originate from an open or loose drain cap as well as a dry P-trap. The former helps in keeping the smell of sewage out of your home. When the caps become loose or gets lost, the odors can leak throughout your home.

When you notice the odor, you can solve the problem by looking at the drain caps in all your floor drains. The problem can be from a P-trap if all the drain caps aren’t loose and are in the right position.

To remedy the P-trap issue, dump some water down each of your house’s drain. Put more attention to the drains that you don’t use often. For example, start by running the basement showers, flush the basement toilets, and so on.

2. Sewer Line Blockage

Sewer blockages can happen when you flush some things down the drain. Most of the time, the main culprits include:

  • Wipes
  • Diapers
  • Cat litter
  • Tampons

These and other “flushable” products will often fail to flow through. That’s why they can clog your sewer line and make a huge blockage. Sometimes, this can happen without any warning.

But often, you’ll notice the symptoms of a clogged sewage line within days or weeks before it happens. You’re likely to notice gurgling pipe noises, slow drains, and water backing up into your home’s lowest drains. Water from a fixture might end up getting drained into another when your pipes get clogged.

When these symptoms start appearing, it’s important to call plumbers as soon as possible. It’s often a definite sign that your home’s sewage system is at the brink of failure. There is an abundance of plumbers within the United States, so there’s no excuse not to call one in this situation.

3. Tree Roots in the Sewer System

Take note, tree roots will grow in almost any location. They do this to get the optimal amount of water they need for survival. Because of this, tree roots can become the cause of blockages in your sewage line.

The worst part is that the biggest tree roots are strong enough to cause your pipes to collapse. When this happens, you’ll need to replace the entirety of your sewer system. You have the power to prevent the problem by using some preventive measures.

Here are some ways to avoid encountering tree roots in the sewer system:

Water the Trees During Droughts

When there isn’t much water in the environment, tree roots will often dig deeper to find it. That’s why some of them can find their way into your sewer pipes. To prevent this from happening, water your trees more when it’s the dry season.

Avoid Water-Loving Trees on Your Home Premises

Some tree species will need a lot of water to keep them healthy. Some good examples include willows and silver maples. These water-loving trees will often invade sewer pipes to get the moisture they desperately need.

If you want sewer-safe trees, make sure that they have contained roots and low water needs to maintain. Some good species of sewer-safe trees are serviceberry trees and Japanese maple.

Keep Distance

That means you should plant all your property’s trees at a safe distance from the sewer pipes. If you have no idea where your sewer pipes are, try contacting your local utility company. They will give you a map that can let you plan on the ideal locations for your trees.

4. Lack of Sewer System Pitch

When drawing down the waste into the sewer system, most pipes will rely on the power of gravity. If your line has no proper pitch, the waste can end up building near your house. This causes a backup, which can be troublesome if left unchecked.

To fix this issue, you’ll need to shift the pitch of the line. Otherwise, a cheaper alternative is to install a pump instead.

5. Corrosion and Leaks

It’s an accepted fact that pipes will get old over time, especially if your mainline isn’t made from a durable PVC pipe. When corrosion happens, the pipes will collapse, restricting the main line’s flow. If fixing the caps and P-trap doesn’t solve the gurgling noises and strong odors, you’re likely to have this problem.

Leaks often have similar symptoms to corrosion. But they will often happen around a pipe joint. It’s easily identifiable since you’ll often notice the water puddles gathering where the leak is.

Fix Your Sewer System Today!

Sewer lines need regular maintenance. This helps prevent a lot of costly problems from happening at a later time. If you don’t want to get a hefty price tag for your sewer system, make sure to look out for these common problems and do your best to fix them as soon as possible.

Remember, is you are in the Salt Lake City area you can contact us today and for reliable help with your plumbing issues.

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